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Diamond Sponsor $10,000+ ($7,250 tax-deductible) 

  • Ten event reservations with premier table placement 
  • Reservations to after party for all guests
  • Round-trip private transportation provided by Reston Limo for sponsor and their guests (from/to up to 5 residences)
  • Opportunity to draw name of raffle winner from stage at the event
  • Company name or logo printed on step and repeat 
  • Company name or logo positioned prominently on event collateral, event signage, and promotional material 
  • Formal recognition as Diamond Sponsor from stage 
  • Company logo and recognition on screen and auction mobile bidding site 
  • Full-page color advertisement or family message in digital auction catalog and auction program book with prime placement 
  • Company listing on auction page of school’s website as hyperlinked logo for one year 
  • Special recognition in social media, program book, event slideshow, and post-event publications (The Memo, Experience Magazine, Annual Report on Philanthropy)

Gold Sponsor $5,000 ($2,250 tax-deductible) 

  • Ten event reservations with premier table placement 
  • Reservations to after party for all guests
  • Company name or logo or family name positioned prominently on event collateral and signage
  • Formal recognition as Gold Sponsor from stage 
  • Company logo or family name on auction mobile bidding site 
  • Half-page color advertisement or family message in digital auction catalog and auction program book
  • Company listing on auction page of school’s website as hyperlinked logo 
  • Special recognition in program book and post-event publications (school newsletter, magazine, annual report)  

Silver Sponsor $2,500 ($2,100 tax-deductible) 

  • Two event reservations 
  • Formal recognition as Silver Sponsor from stage 
  • Quarter-page color advertisement or family message in digital auction catalog and auction program book
  • Company or family name displayed on auction page of school’s website 
  • Special recognition in program book and post-event publications (school newsletter, magazine, annual report) 

Bronze Sponsor $1,500 ($1,100 tax-deductible) 

  • Two event reservations
  • Company or family name displayed on auction page of school’s website
  • Special recognition in auction program book and post-event publications (school newsletter, magazine, annual report)

Langley Friend Sponsor $500 ($500 tax-deductible) 

  • Recognition in auction program book and post-event publications (school newsletter, magazine, annual report)

Faculty Friend Sponsor $200 ($200 tax-deductible) 

  • Underwrite the cost of a ticket for faculty 
  • Recognition in auction program book and post-event publications (school newsletter, magazine, annual report)



Additional named sponsorship opportunities available.
Please contact Ricki Marion
(rmarion@langleyschool.org) or Kristin Ramsey (kmh287@gmail.com) for more information.

Thank you for your support! 
Gifts are subject to the deductibility limitations set by law. 
Please consult your legal or tax adviser to review your personal situation.

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Diamond Sponsor (10 event and after party tickets included) (10 included) $0.00

After Party Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

Gold Sponsor (10 event and after party tickets included) (10 included) $0.00

Silver Sponsor (2 included) $0.00

Bronze Sponsor (2 included) $0.00

Langley Friend Sponsor $0.00

Faculty Friend Sponsor (underwrite a ticket for faculty/staff to attend) $0.00
I authorize The Langley School to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Once Upon a Time: Pages and Prose Auction. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.